On Red Hat-derived systems (including CentOS, Fedora, Scientific, Oracle, etc.), use Yum to install dependencies, and then build Sqitch itself via cpanminus. For example, to install Sqitch with support for PostgreSQL:
sudo yum install perl-devel perl-CPAN postgresql perl-DBD-Pg
sudo yum group install "Development Tools"
curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
cpanm --quiet --notest App::Sqitch
The client and connection libraries for each engine are:
- PostgreSQL, YugabyteDB, and CockroachDB:
postgresql perl-DBD-Pg
- SQLite:
sqlite perl-DBD-SQLite
- Oracle:
- MySQL:
mysql perl-DBD-mysql
- Firebird:
firebird-classic perl-DBD-Firebird perl-Time-HiRes
- Vertica, Exasol, Snowflake: